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becky ashcraft designs


Hey there, I'm Becky.

I'm an award-winning graphic designer, a freelancer, featured blog poster, creative thought leader and currently working as a full-time senior graphic designer with over 20 years of experience. It is my passion to be creative and to help engage others through design.


I'm a lover of the hygge lifestyle. (Yeah, it's pronounced "hoo-gah".)

I find purpose and meaning by exploring in nature, walking, paddleboarding, and photography.

I grew up in Big Sky Country and I'm the middle child of my family. 

My car is named Greta.

Give me a craft beer and tacos for dinner and I'm a happy camper.

I am a two-time 1st Place finisher of the 2-Mile Lake St. Clair SUP Sprint & Splash race.

Gotta design project in mind? Let's talk about it!

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